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Anchor-What We Do


Our Sanctuary room is open as an interfaith place for reflection, meditation or prayer. Whether you have a booking at the centre, use one of our offices, or are a community member simply walking by, you are more than welcome to use the space for a moment of peace. The room is accessible using a set of stairs or lift, and it is generally open from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Thursday.

We recognise that the term 'interfaith' can have a broad range of meanings, and our aim is to make the space as accessible for as wide a range of community groups as possible. The reflective booklet in the Sanctuary (also available as a PDF – click here) has a mixture of poems, guided meditations and scripture for a range of traditions.


With a capacity of 30, the Sanctuary can also be hired for organised group worship and reflection and small events pursuing common aims such as action on social justice, poverty and equality. More details are available here.

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Greyfriars Charteris Centre

138-140 Pleasance

Edinburgh  EH8 9RR

© 2024 Greyfriars Charteris Centre. 

Greyfriars Charteris Centre is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC047573

VAT Registration Number 288190565

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Telephone: +44(0) 0131 662 6850

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